First Year Accreditation Renewal

Congratulations on completing your first year in the aquatic industry as a Pool Operator.  As per our code of Practice accreditation must be maintained whilst in the position as an Aquatic Technical Operator.

I understand that it is only a recommendation that I complete at least 1 Professional Development during the first year of holding my accreditation and this is not a requirement.  You must renew your Accreditation after the first 12 months. It is required that all members MUST provide certificate evidence of all Professional Development (PD) including Lifeguard and First Aid certificates (except LIWA conferences and seminars) and fees associated with membership are all paid or invoicing arranged through my employer. 

As part of the accreditation process, members MUST provide official certificate evidence of their Qualifications, including Pool Lifeguard and Provide First Aid certificates to be eligible for Accreditation.

(Official Statement of Attainments and/or Certificates)




(Knowledge Certificates example)

Please ensure you have these available to upload prior to completing the application for renewal.  Not providing evidence may either slow your application process or not approve renewal if evidence can not be verified.

If you have not completed any valid PD during the past 12 months you may still apply for renewal but must still provide evidence of your Pool Lifeguard and First Aid currency and agree that you will PD will be undertaken over the next 3 years.

Certificates to be uploaded MUST be:
- LESS THAN 1 MB each  (if you submit your application and it doesn't seem to have been submitted properly or nothing happens, please check the file size, it is most likely larger than 1MB)
- In one of the accepted formats (JPGGIFPNGExcelWordPowerPointPDF)
- Google Chrome is the preferred browser to use,  (Internet Explorer or iPads have been known to not be as compatible)

This application is conducted in accordance with our Data Collection Privacy Policy

This application requires you to log in.

Your response will be linked to your member profile.
