
Health Warning

The Department of Health is urging people who have had diarrhoea not to enter any aquatic facility (including swimming pool, spa, spray park/interactive water feature) until at least two weeks after they have fully recovered. The warning follows a substantial increase in cryptosporidiosis notifications – 195 cases have been reported to the Department since 1 January 2020, compared to an average of 63 cases for the same period in the previous five years.
health pool swim disease WA Health Crypto

Community Swimming Grants Program

The Australian Government is investing $28.9M over four years to get the least active Australians active through the Move It AUS - Participation Grants Program. Swimming Australia has received Move It AUS funding and have created the Community Swimming Grants Program so we can partner with local swimming and aquatic’s providers to get more people moving in the water.
grants funding swim active cald disability particpate community
